10 Tips on how to teach your kids to play Football

10 Tips on how to teach your kids to play Football

10 Tips on how to teach your kids to play Football


There is no doubt that many parents dream that their children will become great footballers and that is why they spend a lot of time in the soccer training of their little ones. They enroll them in football academies and schools, with the desire that they have their first contacts with the ball. Elite Sports academy also known as one of the best Football Academy in Dubai

But in this eagerness to make their children footballers, parents make some involuntary mistakes that may well affect the growth of the little ones, who at an early age only seek to have fun with the ball.

Thus, we present 10 tips for parents to know how to teach their children to play soccer and, above all, to be great people and have fun with the practice of a sport. These tips were prepared by Elite Sports Academy Dubai

1. Soccer’s a Game; Let your Child Enjoy in Football Academy

The mistake that many parents make is putting pressure on their children from the start. His desire for his children to become the new Lionel or Cristiano Ronaldo, makes them dedicate themselves to demanding more of them and forget that soccer is a sport whose main mission is recreation and fun.

The question when you finish doing your favorite sport should not be: “How was the game. Have you won?” Better to ask him “Have you had fun? Have you learned something new?”

You don’t need to push him, each child learns at his own pace. Overwhelming him will never be a good idea because you will turn a game into a stressful exercise for him.

2. Never lose Forms; neither in Victory nor in Defeat

When your son has a soccer game, the important thing is to see him play, to see him have fun regardless of the outcome of his game. The aforementioned is complemented by this second tip: parents should only applaud and rejoice in the fact that their children are having fun healthy.

It is not worth celebrating a victory for your son’s team as if it were the Champions League or making a drama of a defeat. They will surely have forgotten the result ten minutes after the game ended.

3. Value the Environment, not the Category of the Club

The most important thing is, as we said before, that your child be happy in an environment that makes him grow as an athlete and as a person.

If the club you have chosen to play sports meets those premises, what difference will it make if your son plays in First, Second or can aspire to win a title?

4. Respect the Coach’s Decisions

The child needs some references; and the coach belongs to one of them. The person who teaches football to your child probably doesn’t even charge for it and I do it altruistically. He is the one who decides how many minutes your son plays and the position he should play on the field.

When you go to see a practice or a game, your child should only listen to you when you encourage him and his classmates.

Technical instructions should only be given by the coach. If the child listens to her father and her coach during a game and the advice is contradictory: Who should she listen to? It will be a tremendous mess for him.

5. Respect the Referee

A regrettable and repetitive scene in children’s soccer games, is of parents claiming and insulting the referees, an action that does nothing more than create an image in the little ones, who will grow up with the attitude of not respecting to the authority or the rules established in any field.

It must be understood that without a referee there would be no competition soccer and they are also learning in base soccer, the same as our children.

6. Respect your Child’s Classmates your child’s

Teammates are his friends, not his rivals. Don’t compete with them for a place on the team, they play together for fun and for the common good.

If when you go to see him play you make comparisons between them or shout saying that your son is better than a partner, you will be seriously mistaken. And you will be creating a problem for your little one

7. Culture of effort, not of result

If your child is learning, strives in every training session or in every game, the result does not matter. The most important thing is still to have fun and to learn on that path that perseverance is a great tool in your life.

8. Commitment to your child and the team

When you enroll your child in a soccer team, you do it with all the consequences. The father agrees to take the child or children to each training session and game, however early they take place. If you have to get up early on a Sunday, you have to do it and with a lot of attitude. It must always be kept in mind that soccer is a team game and the main team is that of father and son.

9. Punished without going to training

When a child gets a bad grade or has bad behavior at home or school, the classic thing is that parents punish them by not letting them go to train or play soccer. But what they don’t understand is that with that decision they also punish their teammates because soccer is a team sport.

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There are other punishments; not to watch television, not to use the Play Station or the cell phone. And surely much more effective.

10. The third time

Football game for children does not end when the referee blows the final whistle, since that is the beginning of the ‘third time’ and this is where the father plays a fundamental role, perhaps inviting a drink to his son with the rest of the classmates and socializing with the rest of the parents. The idea here is to unify the entire team and consolidate the ties between the little footballers.


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